Westside Physical Culture Club
As a registered member of Westside Physical Culture Club, I agree to pay term fees within 14 days of receiving term invoice. Failure to pay by the due date will incur a late payment fee and understand the registered member will not be permitted to attend classes at Westside Physical Culture Club until it is paid in full. All term fees are non-refundable. If you are having difficulties paying your fees, please chat to admin for alternative options. Fees are to be paid via credit card (Pin Payment) or bank transfer.
Payment of BjP registration is required for all students (age 5+). This is a requirement from BjP Head Office. As a registered member of Westside Physical Culture Club, I accept and understand that I will pay a fee of $99 to the Bjelke Petersen School of Physical Culture by the end of the first term of classes at Westside Physical Culture Club. This fee is to be paid directly to the association (BjP) via credit card and a link will be provided to me in order to complete this. If I do not pay this fee, I understand I am not permitted to attend classes at Westside Physical Culture Club until it is paid in full. As Westside Physical Culture Club is part of the BjP Physical Culture Association, it is their rule that once you register with our club, you cannot compete for any other BjP Club for 12 months (unless genuine change of address) nor can you compete at any BjP Competition if you have left the club.
The registered member has the right to learn the BjP Syllabus, attend class and compete in any individual competitions run by BjP and our Club. This also applies to Team competitions, provided our club can provide a team in the appropriate age/status category. I also understand that competition is not compulsory and I have the right to choose not to compete if I wish.
Permission to seek medical assistance
Westside Physical Culture Club takes no responsibility for any student or sibling outside their class attendance time on the premises where classes are held. Please ensure your child/ren are supervised at all times. I give consent for Westside Physical Culture Club to seek medical assistance if required, on behalf of the participant and agree to pay all costs associated with that treatment (if any).
Missing Classes
We appreciate that if you are to miss a class that you contact the class teacher via text message prior to the class commencing. There is no credit or refunds for missed classes.
Contacting the Club
The preferred contact method is email to the westsidephysie@outlook.com - Kindly respect that your teachers all have full-time jobs and their own family commitments and may not respond immediately.
Consent to use images and footage
Images and footage may be taken of the students during class time for teaching purposes, or to be used in the publicity of Westside Physie. This may include, but is not limited to, both public and closed membership social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, as well as print media and use on our website. Please let us know if you consent to use of images during the registration process.
- I agree to abide by all current BjP and Club Rules
- I agree to abide by BjP and Club Code of Conduct
- I understand that club administration fee of $65 (plus processing fee) does not include BJP registration and class terms fees. This are paid separately at time of registering at WSP.
- I agree to respect the teachers decision and expertise in regards to selection of teams and group performances